What is Copywriting and how can it help you and your business grow?



noun: copywriting

“I’ve started freelance copywriting in the evenings and at weekends”

No, it’s not to put a stamp of ownership on your great work of art or some other original creation or piece of intellectual property. That’s a whole other bag of cats.

Copywriting, as so simply explained above in the Oxford English Dictionary, is the art of crafting words that sell.

It’s understanding the psychology behind why people buy, of how to grab a potential customers attention, and more importantly – keep it!

On average the brain can process somewhere around 70,000 thoughts per day, there’s a super-highway of information coming at us every day – from all the WWW’s, advertising in papers, billboards, signage, the marketing ads on your Facebook feeds about that trip to Jamaica you were talking with your pals about only moments ago…………you know those ads.

There’s so many and varied media streams out there trying to reach us, so much it can seem hard to avoid sometimes.

The very heart of copywriting is to understand a client’s product/service, their unique selling point and target audience, and to then create the words that will break through and be a stand-out voice for a client in this onslaught of information we have coming at us every day.

Great Copywriting will entice an audience, using clever headlines to hook a reader like a fish and then draw them in with further information, building that desire to take action – to reading further into ‘what’s in it for them’, perhaps sign up for a weekly newsletter or that course they always had thoughts about doing but never got around to – and in a good deal of cases it’s the push to commit to making that purchase.

Time is a critical factor for most people, we don’t have enough of it, we spend it focussed on things we love doing and sometimes we just spend it playing Woodoku for hours on end – maybe revealing a weakness of my own right there.

Businesses can drastically increase sales and drive growth through clever copywriting techniques – if only they had the time.

And for some it may be the skill or even the interest.

Whatever your situation, reaching out to a great copywriter can help increase your sales, get you noticed on web searches (more info about SEO in coming weeks!) and help gain more followers on your socials.

Bluejay Writing can help you with crafting the copy you need to get you noticed and get you results.

Contact me today and let’s discuss the ways I can help you grow!

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